I heard someone say: Donald Trump is a Draft-Dodging Pussy in a Fight.
But I don't want to say something like that.
Ach du Lieber ... Louis CK seemed to say that Donald Trump was like the rising Adolph Hitler in the 1930's before the Holocaust and Final Solution were planned. Any case ... The past year has afforded me, in particular, and the listening World, in general, an opportunity to learn a variety of rhetorical techniques from Donald Trump (DT) -- techniques that don't necessarily comport with a speaker's or writer's beliefs. We all, indeed, learned somewhere or other that in official kinds of debating and in competition of all sorts, too, there is no particular need to either take credit for what you're saying or to believe the things that you say.
Lemme give you eight quick examples in my take on DT:
I don't have evidence that DT thinks POTUS was born outside of the United States.
I have no reason to believe that DT has disrespect in his heart for John McCain.
I have no evidence to support that he harbors any angry feelings for Mexican folk.
I have, similarly, no evidence to think he hates Muslims.
Moreso, I have not a clue whether or not he wants to exclude Muslims from entry to USA.
I have ample evidence that DT has no animus for anyone,
no matter what they've done to him or said about him,
as long as they now agree to kiss-up to him.
I have no reason to assume DT thinks a Wall will be built if he's elected POTUS
or that there's anything cheesy about his tax-returns.
I have no reason to believe
that he harbors nasty feelings towards anyone or any woman.
I have no reason to think that DT is anti-Semitic
because of his campaign's presentation of Sec'y Clinton
with a Bloody Red 6-pointed Star on a bed of Greenbacks.
I, indeed, don't even think that DT believes a Judge
whose parent was or whose parents were Mexican cannot be fair to him
in court proceedings, or that he's pro-gun, Pro-Life or Pro-Republican.
No. I suspect that if a Jewish Pro-Choice Viet Nam War POW named Jorge Jimenez who has now embraced Islam were to get down on their knees and pay homage in a convincing manner to Mr. T., the Donald would welcome him lovingly into his circle.What a guy!
Perhaps, this is what troubles me most about Politics: There is no need ... no consequences to either candidates for elected office or the pundits who describe the election-contest-in-progress to speak their truths. The Media -- no matter what they believe -- dispassionately present both sides.
Some think Species Selection is based in Fitness while others believe that Genesis 1-3 should be taken verbatim.
Some think that Humankind has failed to well-steward the Earth God gave us while others believe this is the result of expectable cyclic changes in the Good Earth's environment.
Some think POTUS was born in Kenya and some think in Hawaii.
Lemme give you another example:
I heard someone say: Donald Trump is a Draft-Dodging Pussy in a Fight but there are others who believe he's a brave-brave Man of Means with Hands as big as his Heart!
In the style I've learned from DT, let me close by saying that I've heard it said that Mr. Trump is a Narcissistic, misogynistic, mis-Islamic, anti-Semitic and Misanthropic piece of shit who would say anything necessary to capture a vote but there are others who think he's a swell guy.
After all ... How am I to know?
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