What does the Boy-King in N. Korea call himself? The Supreme Leader or something?
Elizabeth calls herself Queen? It was one of the legend British Actresses, Helen Mirren or Dame Something who was invited to meet with the Queen for tea and said she was busy. Oh, and Bobby Z. was summoned by the Swedish Monarchy to receive a Nobel and apparently was "busy, busy, busy," too.

And President-To-Be ... our Boy Who Would Be King seems to believe that boundaries don't apply to him. What's the lyric in XXX-Oliver ... "Y'gotta grab a pussy or two, Boy-oy-oy-oy-oy! Y'gotta grab a pussy or two." Grab a Gazunga ... Get Hold of a Crotch! Call People Names (well, on my Nazi-Schmazi.blogspot.com, I already did a lot of that ... Mea Maxima, Maximus.) ...

And President-To-Be ... our Boy Who Would Be King seems to believe that boundaries don't apply to him. What's the lyric in XXX-Oliver ... "Y'gotta grab a pussy or two, Boy-oy-oy-oy-oy! Y'gotta grab a pussy or two." Grab a Gazunga ... Get Hold of a Crotch! Call People Names (well, on my Nazi-Schmazi.blogspot.com, I already did a lot of that ... Mea Maxima, Maximus.) ...
So, I found myself yesterday thinking, just yesterday: Why should I pay taxes? Why the fuck should I pay taxes and why not start hurting people. I mean "why not?" I could stop paying people who do things for me. I could pollute and run like the Trump Father and Son are running away from a polluted site in South Carolina ... at least, according to Rachel Maddow.
But getting back to understanding Narcissism and considering the non-rhetorical form of my question, for just a moment, and not teasing my confreres on FB Free Citizen Therapists ...for just a sec. (I tease to stay sane)

Consider the madness of giving up our sense that parents and all the rest were put on this Good Earth to nurture their favourite child and only that child .... ME! ...
I am King. They are my objects.
They have no subjectivity, themselves, except as MY SUBJECTS.
Freud talked of his Majesty the Baby.
Bah! Why do I have to pay taxes.
I like to quote Dag from the soon-possibly excommunicated UN:
"Do you wish to forfeit even that little to which your efforts may have entitled you? Only if your endeavors are inspired by a devotion to duty in which you forget yourself completely, can you keep your faith in their value. This being so, your endeavor to reach the goal should have taught you to rejoice when others reach it." (Dag Hammarskjøld - 1957 in Markings, p. 153, 1964)
Wait a good-Godly minute, Dag. The idea is to grab a pussy and not to be one. What were you thinking!? Hey, in Sweden you're not even allowed to cut off a foreskin, I hear. A little Relic of the True Covenant ... like a gram of a little kid's flesh? Hey, it's not like somebody's performing subincision (ouch!) these days. No ... Nothing. They have circumcisions from the Chinese restaurant: Mock Foreskin with Tofu in Black Bean Sauce.
OK. So, here on (Free Citizen Therapist Facebook group and Nazi-Schmazi), those of us who are willing to call a Clown a Pathological Narcissist agree that he's not only a putz but has a sort of illness. I say "sort of" because people with Personality Disorders could really be called the Nasty People ... and they most often are, though they, too, have suffered. High Functioning Borderlines are those that hide their careless disregard for all God's other creatures. But ask any therapist stupid enough to treat those at the very bottom of the scale who behave like Donnie-Boy, those who their angry spouses forced to come (ask me!) and they'll tell you: when the Darker Split is manifest, these people are just not nice. Sometimes, maybe, they need (to paraphrase Charcot): Punis Normalis Dosem Repetitur ... (Charcot denied his Rx for hysterics: Penis Normalis; dosem repetitur tho DJT may think, otherwise) a good whipping every day or two. Winnicott talked of hate in the countertransference? ... "You bet your bippy!" I have experienced red-hot hate when I've been treated as a utile, as a thing, and cast as the wicked witchy-poo of the dyad, and experience these folk jump down my throat for every misplaced word.
Meat and Potatoes. What's the problem with these folk ... like Donnie Boy. Frankly, it reduces to the choices they give us. In the simplest of circumstances, when they're being Dark, we're give the choice of being a Bastard or a Fool. There are other forms of the same dichotomies, too, but they're homologous. Consider the choices he gives people starting with me ...
Do I pay taxes and support his agenda or join a non-tax-paying group and refuse,
thus cutting off pyments to those, in need? But so many others.
Does Sen. McCain with 4 years of being frequently tortured in the
Hanoi Hilton defend against this King of the Dodge Drafters
(hey ... I wasn't in Viet Nam, either, but I don't call him a loser)
and, anyway, what could MacCain have said that wouldn't make him look whimpy.
Does Pres. Obama show the Prissy Putz (I love that word Putz) his Birth Certificate and appear at the beck and call of PP ... or ... does he appear to be hiding.
Journalists have big-time with-me or agin-me decisions to make ... lackeys or bullies.
Damn: That Kelly Anne treats Anderson C. worse than his New Years Eve Hottie.
Do the Mexican folk defend or, as their Ex-President said:
"I'm not building or paying for his fucking wall."
Does Marco get caught in Elevator Shoes or does he say fuck you. Is Marco gonna cave! That would be as sad as Romney gettin' on his knees and "shining the Kings shoes ... or his whatever!
Yeah. That's it. The options the narcissist gives us is to chose between appearing to be suffering from an Oppositional Defiantly Disordered Middle Age giving the Rich Kid Who Would Be King ... a solitary finger
or to appear appear defenseless.
We didn't sign on for this crap! Bastard or a Fool? By the way ... the way the Pathological Narcissist keeps it going is, to my way of thinking, by never offering a defense but consistently replacing it with an offense ... kinda like paranoid projection (I'll call that little pp. The Prissy Putz will be TPP ... coming to a Congress near You, anon!)

Dos Rep. Lewis look at 55 years of civil rights work and say ... OK ... Donny, your my Prez-Man! or does he say, as does a man with honesty and political sacrifice built in, speak his mind ... as he did.
I've thought a dozen or more such cases and many clinical cases ... and I imagine more clearly than ever how the Path. Narcissist's swagger works. How different that is than the negotiated friendship between a man who buried kids and found a son and a son who barely knew his Dad and adopted a good one.
I gotta take a breath. Still arrhythmatic ... and still gotta decide ... to disturb the Universe and "Live Loudly," like Old Emile Z. said about himself and not pay my taxes or, else to sign the Pledge to the Oligarchy.