Hey, you, Little Rich Kid Who Would be King and who thinks he knows it all because his Daddy had a fat wallet ... y'tell me that if I already voted I can still change my mind and vote for you. Thanks, Donnie ... it's good to know. Made me think on it:
What Would It Take for Me to Change My Mind and vote for you?
After all, John Sebastian and the Lovin' Spoonful in 1965 did talk about the need to choose ... "Did y'evah have to make up yo'mind?" ... in that case between:
![]() |
Remember bein' 20, Rich Boy? |
One with big blue eyes, cute as a bunny
With hair down to here, and plenty of money
And just when you think she's that one in the world
You heart gets stolen by some mousey little girl ...
Ah, but you know all about the girls, don'tcha? Wonder if the LDS crowd knows that when you were talkin' out there you were talkin' about Bring'em Young and not his Brother, Brigham!? Y'know Bring'em Young ... He'd write back East from Salt Lake City and say: "Bring'em and Brig'em Young!" ... You know about that gig, DONT'CHA, Don?
So, yeah! What would it take for me to vote for you and retract my vote for Sen. Clinton? and why do all these millions of folk see something in you that I don't? What am I missing? Good question, Buddy.
I don't know about thjose who have been suckered in by your youthful charms ... but as for me? I suppose I could change my vote:
If you weren't critically mean to people whether they've hurt you or not .... like Sen. MacCain ... why, by the way, were you picking on John MacCain? Was it that he served in Viet Nam when you and I didn't? I don't feel any animus towards this man who in good faith went to war to protect my rights as an American? Yeah. You'd have to get down on your knees, do whatever (wink-wink) and beg for his forgiveness.
If you didn't spend years questioning President Obama's right to serve our country as its rightfully elected President or, after having done so, at least if you had had the decency to apologize to the First Family. Your failure to do so ... to man-up to serious offense committed ... does make it hard for me.
If you didn't single out the Mexicans as potential rapists and felons. You could've gone after the Russians or the Serbians for their Mafia ... Why didn't you? I don't get it. The thugly Russian Mafia has caused a lot of damage ... Why not them? No. You'd have to apologize to our neighbors to the South and beg their forgiveness before I could consider casting a vote for you.
If you hadn't singled out Muslims and threatened to lock them out of the American experiment in Democracy to which a sizable number of them have contributed ... I might reconsider. Or, if you apologized ... not just to the Khans. Why don't you go to Muslim funerals and tell them to take their dead back home! No. You'd have to apologize to the Muslim World and the whole American People for defiling the Constitution. You're so focused on the Second Amendment and so willing to supersede the First Amendment. How do you pick and choose between different parts of our Constitution? I suppose you know better than the Founding Fathers ... just like you know better than the Generals! Right, Donnie Boy! No. Like the Pope, you'd have to get down on your knees, do whatever and wash the feet of all Muslims who come to you? Every last one of them. I know as a Little Rich Kid, you have little facility in these matters ... but you could learn. You really could. You went to Wharton and have one of them really big brains, don't you?
If you hadn't humiliated Megyn Kelly, Katy Tur, and the whole Fourth Estate ... accusing them of being the scum of the Earth (what were your exact words) as you jinned-up crowds to potentially attack them or if you apologized to Megyn Kelly and stopped lying about whatever "whatever" meant ... blood coming out of her whatever. If you weren't -- pardon me -- such an insufferable pussy in never being able to man-up to the gratuitous attacks you've made on dozen of individuals and several billions in groups ... I might be able to reconsider. You think you could apologize to Megyn and Katy as a start? Y'think ya could?
Oh! And there's another spiritual blockage I have to recasting my breads upon your waters, Sailor Boy. See, I don't believe, indeed, that you're racist or even a misogynist. I think, frankly, you're much worse than that. I think you attract misguided racists, anti-Muslims, anti-Semites, mysogynists, .... you attract them in what you say and who you are ... and then you use them and their attraction to you. I don't think it troubles you at all, for instance, that Ivanka converted to Judaism, though I suspect that if Ivanka supported Sen. Clinton, she'd be tossed in among the enemy and the stupid and the low-energies and the sicklies and crippled .... No more would she be a "Piece of Ass" but a "Fat Ass" or something. So, for me to vote for you, you would have to overcome your tendency to see the World as "With you" or "Agin You" and you'd have to convincingly tell the KKK and the Posse Cometatus and the Alt-Whites (like your Campaign CEO) that they and their hateful rhetoric are ... what to say? ... UNAMERICAN! Not wink-wink that you don't support them ... but that they are OUT-OF-STEP with the AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE. Can you do that, Don-Boy? Hey, that would be a good start ... and I'd pat you on your no-longer-quite-as-blonde coiffure and say "Good job, Lil Donnie." By the way ... while I have your ear ... why is your hair color changing? It's really a little unheimlich (wierd in Grandpa's German) to see you change, at all. Just sayin'.
Well ... you get the picture ... y'gets my drift ... y'knows from where I come ... y'got it, right? I wouldn't vote for you if you were runnin' up against Ras-Putin
or if you were in it against Good Ole Ivan the Terrible
or even if you were pitted agin your Russian Best-Bud-Baby-Sittin' (No-Ras)Putin (aka No-Rasta-Putin)

You against Ole Charlie M? Not certain!
My people will get back to yours
on that matter ... Believe me.
You can count on it.
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