Lemme get a little clearer using a trick an art student of mine showed me years ago.
'President Barak Hussein Obama is the Founder of ISIS.
They worship him. Barak Obama is the Founder of ISIS ...
I mean it. Nevermind Hugh Hewitt's claim that
I'm talking metaphorically about Obama being the Founder of ISIS.
He is and Crooked Hillary Clinton has been his MVP.'
'If Obama is not the Founder of ISIS, let ME see proof that he resigned his post.'
'Look folks. Have you seen his letter of resignation from ISIS?
I mean ... I still haven't seen his transcript from Harvard
where nobody except those scoundrels Dershowitz and Kagan knew him
and you know about Dershowitz and Kagan, don't you?'
'Ach du lieber ... those Media people don't ever know when I'm jest jesting ...
I vuz keeding ... being sarcastic. Don't they know sarcasm when they see it?.'
'The Media's gonna use this to rig the election against me in Pennsylvania ...
Who are they? Al Jazeera or Al Catraza?
'How stupid can they be?
I wasn't talking about 2nd Amendment types
using their guns or their roses against that Crooked Hillary.
I was talking about them using the power of the pen ... and the vote.
Only the Stupid Media could imagine otherwise.'
Why belabor my point that Herr Donald Trump, naked of understandings of the complexities of economic and political realities in an America and in a World no longer separated from danger by moats or even oceans, switches his theoretical/political Gods the way Playboys buy Burkin Bags or attend different churches for their conquests.
Meanwhile, the Media is just waking up to or only now beginning to report the obvious, namely:
We've all been played ... given a Roofie (Rohypnol)
that keeps us sleeping while we were getting fucked.
(Sorry. For those of you who might question my use of the term "fucked" ... Lemme Tell You ... Victims who are taken home from Club 54 or the Corner Bar under the influence (of a drug given to them by a person who is not) are not likely to be made love to ... they're gonna get fucked! In love-making, both parties are being treated to the loving care of another. In tricking or dosing someone into bed, the perpetrator is USING the perpetrated-upon as a thing with which to masturbate ... to narcissistically indulge their need to decrease their own tensions by ejaculating near or into another. The other is not a Person/Subject in Their Own Right but a thing to be manipulated.)
It's in the movie, Dr. Strangelove, that Gen. Jack D. Ripper sees the World of Women the way some politicians see their constituents (as people to be duped), Little Rich Boys see their conquests (as receptacles in which they relax their own axieties) and some Magnates see their contract with employees (as their own sacrifice in hiring them). General Jack accuses these women of trying to steal their essence. Trump sees the World as recipients of his sacrifices. Oh, My Sweet Lord!
OK ... OK ... You got my point. Some clowns will say anything for a laugh and some politiicians will say anything at all to get their way ... But ...
Now that Herr Drumpf has accepted the possibility that in all his omnipotent Glory he may still lose the election and in the event that the election be so-rigged against him, he would take a long, long vacation, it is the only decent thing for those of us who have spoken out against him to ask:
But what of the Children?
For ... Whether the Emperor wore any substantive clothing or was simply parading about with his casually-arrived-at-theories and his accoutrementes exposed, the devotion demonstrated by his adult children was praise-worthy. The middle of the Decalogue is to Honor one's Father and Mother and the three of them have done that job admirably.
I do hope, let me add, that Mr. Trump is not planning to harm himself ... speaking in metaphorical language about "a long, long vacation" ... ... at least for his kids' sake, not that kind of "long, long vacation." Eating Humble Pie in this situation could become a learning moment ... a growth opportunity. But what of the kids? I suppose someone could establish a foundation ... kinda like the Make-a-Wish Foundation ... that might provide funds for the kids to enter psychoanalytic treatment ... it is expensive, these days, especially in New York. I don't have the skills to establish such a foundation or to Govern Nations! But ... it couldn't hurt.
The adult sons, as I understand, hunt Big Game for sport which may provide them an outlet for any accumulated indignations -- maybe they don't require treatment for Post Election Trauma Disorder The daughter Ivanka does have the opportunity in her religion to take comfort during the next weeks in her place of worship in the readings describing the ways that her religion prescribes the life of one who would be King (Deut. 17 ... I'll translate):
When you arrive at the land that your God gives you ...
and you dwell there and make it your own;
and when you say: I want to have a King like all the other Nations about me.
You should surely appoint (שום תשים עליך)
a King who God might have chosen. From the very midst
of your kin; don't appoint over yourself someone
who sees themself as different [נכרי] from you.
Only, let them not have too many horses ...
let them not return the nation to slavery [מצרימה]
so that they can have more horses ...
Let him not indulge too many women ...
Let them accumulate not too much Gold!
And let it be that by the time this king sits on the throne
the king shall have written an exact copy of the words of this Law.'
I'm not entirely certain what that means in America but maybe Mr. Khan was onto something when he suggested:
'Mr. Trump, Begin by reading or rereading, if you insist, our Constitution.'
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