Hey, so ... before I begin another red rant from whatever/wherever in me:
I'm asking you ... I ask you ... Believe me ... I'm really asking you 100%
to listen to Shirley Bassey perform the Theme Song to Goldfinger:
OK, OK! Y'didn't wanna go to a weblink ... So, here are the lyrics and you likely know the tune:
(guy on right in Stetson is Goldfinger;
Someone told me that Lewandowski is the guy in the middle;
and that Bannon is in disguise, on the left ...
but I'm not sayin' that ... I'm not sayin' that)
He's the man, the man with the Midas touch
A spider's touch
Such a cold finger
Beckons you to enter his web of sin
But don't go in
Golden words he will pour in your ear
But his lies can't disguise what you fear
For a golden girl knows when he's kissed her
It's the kiss of death from
Mister Goldfinger
Pretty girl beware of this heart of gold
This heart is cold
Golden words he will pour in your ear
But his lies can't disguise what you fear
For a golden girl knows when he's kissed her
It's the kiss of death from
Mister Goldfinger
Pretty girl beware of this heart of gold
This heart is cold
He loves only gold
Only gold
He loves gold
He loves only gold
Only gold
He loves gold
Yeah, Yeah ... I'm being dramatic. But here's my problem:
Given the The Goldwater Rule. There are people out there saying ... you know who they are ... you know! ... that it's not ethical for a psychotherapist to talk about someone who they've never met/examined and who has not given informed consent to be examined and permission to be publicly discussed. This ethical rule resulted after a magazine (Forbes, maybe) asked a hefty group of psychiatrists to comment on whether Barry Goldwater was fit or unfit -- in their estimation -- to become POTUS in the 1964 Election Cycle.
Given, as well, that I believe in confidentiality in communication of all kinds ... guaranteed not only by HIPAA but by Leviticus 19 some years before HIPAA-HIPAA-Hooray was uttered or even a twinkle in the eye of some psychotherapist:
Don't go loose-lipped among your people,
Don't stand by (idly) as your neighbor bleeds;
I am God!
Now, that's a scriptural sentence!
Now, that's a scriptural sentence!
Yeah, yeah ... I'm being sarcastic ... well, facetious but there are some people too stupid to know the difference. It was a long time ago that Leviticus was found ... pieces even in the Dead Sea Scrolls! I don't recall the exact reference though even the Hebrew words remain:
לא תלך רכיל בעמך
ולא תעמוד על דם ריעך
... אני הי
(Now, print that out,
enlarge it and hang it on your kitchen cabinet!
The ancients thought it led to long life!)
Given, also, that the Tarasoff ruling and subsequent decisions on who in their professional capacity and in what circumstances are they required to keep their maws shut and who, on the other hand, legally and ethically is bound to report the possibility of imminent danger to a fellow human being.
In walks Scary Clown:
Well, Given all the above and his claim that he and he-alone holds the key to keeping my grandchildren safe and my children employed and the Barbarians a safe distance from the Gates of City on the Hill ... Given all that and a professional opinion that one of the candidates is a Loony-Toon, what is a girl to do? ... Hey ... Hey, What the Fuck am I to do? Lemme be more specific.
Bozo comes along in full attire ... I don't know who is in the suit or if anyone is in the suit. Maybe he's nothing more than spontaneous spurts from some aging urethral sphincter ("dang, this polemicist finally got around to Golden Showers, aye") controlled by an RPG (Random Procedure Generator). He's running for President and I am a Citizen and Member of this Polity of Mutual Concern and Interest with certain skills. I am sufficiently concerned about a Man:
Who Would be King ...
Who knows more than Generals about War ...
Who is way more wise than Climatologists about thePhysical World We Live In ...
Who got it better than the Economists about the Economy ...
Who knows more about women ... well, because he's had more of 'em!
(Nevermind, he also, lost more of 'em!)
Indeed ... ... Some people have been saying that since he knows more than his Doctor-Bornstein-with-The-Good-Hair (looks a little bit like a 60's Stoner-Einstein), he had to dictate the one page health clearance to stand instead of his Too-Hard-for-Mere-Mortals-to-Understand Tax Return. Hey, "Why is everybody always pickin' on me?"
So, Aye, here's the Rub ... It was Aristotle, I think in his Ethica Eudemia, who painted a picture of virtuous behavior. The virtuous person easily chooses Right over Wrong, as they see it, but is willing, too, to battle those situations where Conflicting Goods are mutually excluding. The Lovin' Spoonful asked along these lines: "Did y'ever have to make up your mind? to say yes to one and leave the other behind." The World and its Ethical Dilemmas? which certainly not to the Pyrrhonian Skeptics of Olde Greek Town and not to me, are not Well-Orderable along a linear continuum with < and > signs.
It don't work that way.
So ... In walked Scary Clown ...
And his brother, Charlie Brown, suspected to be inside the mask ... together, they plan to maybe use nukes (rhymes with cukes) ... to disband NATO ... to threaten to bring out his troops to the polling places ... is at least verbally disconnected from his aggression ... (You know what they woulda done? Carried him out in a stretcher! I'm only a Counterpuncher, Boss ... Didn't mean to kill'em.) ... Not only disagrees with his adversaries but shows evidence of a wish to eviscerate them ... Shows no evidence of empathy before diving in to political diatribe (maybe I'm doing that, too ... that's for others to decide) ... Spreads rumors and takes no credit for them ... (Guess that when he went to church they didn't read 19 Leviticus) ... Seems to suggest that it's good business practice to grease the political wheels and that fair with subcontractors is "I take all the marbles and you go home crying") .... ...
Now, I don't know any of these things for a fact but the corrupt low-lifes of the media like Katy Tur (escorted out of his rally by those silly Secret Service Folk who had nothing better to do than walk a pretty young woman out for a constitutional) ... those corrupt low-lifes who maybe should be taken out and shot (Now, I'm not sayin' that but SOME are) are saying these things. Heaven forefend!
Zo! Goldwater Rule or Tarasoff Ruling? Mouth closed? Mouth open? What to do? It is in the Book named after her that Queen Esther fears for her life if, as Uncle Mordechai suggests, she tries to sway the King against Haman the Black Hat without being first beckoned by the King. Uncle Morty says (pardon the loose translation -- Bogey style):
Look here, Sweetheart.
If you think you're gonna save your pretty ass in this heist,
you're just kidding yourself, Sweetie.
Somebody else is gonna come along with a prettier one
Fuck the Goldwater rule, I’d rather abide by the Goldfinger rule… anyway I’ve decided to go full-monty and crown myself the psycho-king-finger of Daily Kos, and begin every of their stupidly named dairies that I write which have a psychological slant with PSY-VU for a psychotherapist’s viewpoint, and I made a logo which I began to use today… I also appended PSY-VU on the titles of the 20 shrinky opinion I wrote out of the nearly 100 “diaries” on assorted subjects I wrote there...
ReplyDeleteHere’s the latest: http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2016/8/28/1564671/-PSY-VU-No-Mr-Plouffe-Trump-isn-t-a-psychopath
Sort of clickerbation that didn’t really work though by posting it late in the afternoon not as many people read items as when you post early in the morning…. I think just between you, me, and the lampposts along the Weißgerbergasse, her might squeak into making the lesser level of antisocial personality… but sure as the that that it doesn’t take a proctologist to declare him and asshole, he is a text book case of NPD….
Looking forward to you commenting on some of my “diaries” take the plunge, they’re gluten and dairy free..
from my preface today:
(From now on I will label my articles about psychology with the prefix “PSY-VU” for a psychotherapist’s viewpoint, and I’ll use this as my main image so you can find them on the main Daily Kos page. I went back to label all of the diaries I’ve written from the viewpoint of a psychotherapist with PSY-VU. It’s hard to believe I’ve written this many. When I wrote this www.dailykos.com/… it was around the time I realized that Trump wasn’t an ordinary narcissist but actually suffered from a severe personality disorder. That was April 19th! Since then 20 of the 96 I’ve written have been written from a psychological perspective. If you want to review them look for PSY-VU on my posting history.)
On “Meet the Press” this morning David Plouffe, who managed President Barack Obama's first campaign, admitting he wasn’t a psychologist, said Donald Trump was a psychopath. Here’s a high profile political expert, and a layman, making a psychiatric diagnosis. Not only isn’t he qualified to do this, he’s wrong.
Here’s the interchange between Plouffe and Chuck Todd:
Plouffe: "Basically, we have a psychopath running for president. I mean, he meets the clinical definition, OK?"
Todd: "I assume you don't have a degree in psychology. We're jumping to conclusions here, I think this is what gets voters a little frustrated with this campaign.”
Plouffe: "Listen, the grandiose notion of self-worth, pathological lying, lack of empathy and remorse. So I think he does. Right, I don't have a degree in psychology.”
I heard Plouffe, today. Again, I have been exposed, like the rest of us, to only what Trump lets us see ... a mask? who knows? I have an idiosyncratic notion of Narcissism and its relationship to Sociopathy and Psychopathy which I don't separate from each other. Pathological Narcissism, for me, is the graduated inability to accept the Healthy Narcissism of others. My own way of thinking is that even grandiosity is healthful ... (with the proviso) if and only if it leaves others the same right. And then? Sociopathy = Pathological Narcissism Acted-Out or PN + an impulse disorder, if you would. That language works for me. That having been said, while I am not "in Kohuts," I find Kohut's distinction between PseudoNarcissistic Neuroses and PseuoNeurotic Personality Disorders helpful. I'm confident that anyone interested knows this distinction ... so, no need to expand. Which of these is operative in this or that politician I cannot know but who can take the chance. In Gambling Theory, one is not per se interested in the Prob(losing) but in Prob(losing) X the potential result of loss. And when the loss is potentially global chaos, even with a very small prob(Nominee is very-very sick and dangerous) is unacceptable. BTW ... In this case, there seems to be concern that this fellow is dangerously narcissistic and acts as if he had an impulse disorder, as well. So what Plouffe said is not such a heavy lift for me. All this to say ... I don't need the Dx ... the danger itself + the recognition that "if" then "catastrophic" gives me the opening to say things about him that I wouldn't say if he were to withdraw ... which I don't suspect he will. With apologies for the "in the weeds" kind of response, hope to be able to read your recent post. Thanks and regard ... HHC
ReplyDeleteAll we have is Trump’s observed behaviors, plus a little guesswork that his father was much like him. In order to go beyond a real diagnosis of course we need to have him in therapy with a really adept psychoanalytically oriented therapist, and Trump would have to open up about his childhood experiences and feelings.
ReplyDeleteI haven’t read Kohut's "The Analysis of the Self” about treating NPD... won’t say I will but I should be able to find a good summary of it. Really should to try to understand Trump better.
I’m really engaging in diagnosis for dummies on Daily Kos… what you write is at such a high level that it would just confuse the lay reader. Trump sure is a toxic mix whatever diagnostic categories he fits into.