Monday, August 15, 2016

WTF! Donald Can Read! Handsome Manson!

The big question repeatedly asked by the talking heads is whether:

Mr. Trump "can turn it around?" 

He can begin to sound presidential?

Donald Trump can stop acting like a total jerk?

He can stop acting like a school-yard bully who cannot take a punch.

This would be a joke if the welfare of the country, the international community and the earth weren't hanging in the balance. You just don't get another turn just because you're a rich little kid ... It doesn't work that way with clowns. Never mind candidates for the presidency who have offended Soldiers, Mexicans, Muslims, Gold Star Parents, essentially all of his opponents and who has demonstrated himself to be a fool.

And it doesn't work that way with felons, either. Imagine! Charlie Manson is up for a hearing before the Parole Board.

Charlie gets up ... reads a carefully parsed statement from a teleprompter written for him by a speech writer that speaks to his plans for Making America Great. 

Charlie ... You can read!


Great ideas!

We love ya, Charlie!

And the talking heads listen to his prepared words as if the plans thus described had reality ... The Parole Board sends him to my house and to yours for lunch.

The World HAS, indeed, Gone Mad!

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