Monday, September 12, 2016

attempts to respond

dean tells me i'm not listening ....  I'm listening as best I can. And on thread after thread, I'm told to "get out" ... that I'm a Libtard or a Jerk ... essentially the group wants to close me off or have me self-deport. As to being one who is a party-line person? Actually, I'm not. You won't hear me getting up on a soap-box and arguing many of the socially-liberal positions taken by some among the Dems. ... You 
certainly won't hear me call any of Donnie's followers a Fascistard ... I am a believer in dialogue = two-people-trying-to-listen-and-talk, all while chewing gum, at the same time. I thought Kasich and Sanders and Fiorino pretty good at that, even if i disagreed with their politics. But, if I may apply it to DJT: Just because Generals don't agree with you, doesn't mean they're wrong. Anyone whose been in the chain of command in battle knows that Generals, in general, have generally been there too.

If someone wants to dialogue, you're welcome to comment here. unedited. Great. I'm willing. If you want to present me as a non-thing, unAmerican Libtard prancing about in my Pink Leotard? Freedom of Speech gives you that right.

 I'm listening as best I can. And on thread after thread, I'm told to "get out" ... that I'm a Libtard or a Jerk ... essentially the group wants to close me off or have me self-deport. As to being one who is a party-line person? Actually, I'm not. You won't hear me getting up on a soap-box and arguing many of the socially-liberal positions taken by 
some among the Dems. ... You certainly won't hear me call you a

 Fascistard ... I am a believer in dialogue = two-people-trying-to-listen-and-talk, all while chewing gum, at same time. I thought Kasich and Sanders and Fiorino pretty good at that. But, if I may apply it to DJT: Just because Generals don't agree with you, doesn't mean they're wrong. Anyone whose been in the chain of command in battle knows that Generals, in general, have generally been there too.

If you want to dialogue? Great. I'm willing. If you want to present me as a non-thing, unAmerican Libtard prancing about in my Pink Leotard? Freedom of Speech gives you that right.

From my idiosyncratic perspective, getting back to the American/Bill of Rights/Constitution way, dialoguing  would be "doing a good thing rather than a damned one." I once wrote about four levels of intergroup relating.

Lowest: Don't become like us, just die!

A Tad better: Become like us or die.

Better, yet: I pay lip-service to your right to speak and think differently than I even if I think it foolish.

Best for us human-folk: I believe my position to be right because it's 
mine, just as I know you think your thinking is right. The Churches call that a Primus inter Pares way of thinking ... a first among equals

Some have accused me of supporting obstructionist-do-nothing Obama.   You must know that the Other Side/my side  sees it differently ... they (I) see an obstructionist Legislature who won't pass Zika bills unless attached to defunding Planned Parenthood ... Won't outlaw open carry of Tommy Guns and maybe RPG's unless ... well ... actually, they just won't. Won't even discuss presidential nominees for the bench ... I could go on. Bush 43 and BO both felt it necessary to use the power of the pen to overcome obstructionist Legislatures who are sort of like Arafat's suicide bombers ... blow oneself up just to hurt the enemy. I've been sharing my views in territory that is hostile to mine. Religious threads supporting Herr Drumpf. I've not thrown any bombs,  there ... Scripture admonishes us all to treat the stranger with kindness. ... I haven't yet felt the warmth of the hospitality on the Thank God for Trump thread ... maybe my blog gets in the way ... but I do feel that DJT is a danger to the Constitution and it is my duty to report this potential danger to as many of the potential victims, as I can. 

Hey! I got kicked off Citizen Therapists (an anti-Trumpism group), too. I am beginning to feel unwelcomed.

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