Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Hysterical? Maybe ... but 9 weeks from Tonight

Maybe all this is madness and hysteria and self absorbing "emptiness  of emptinesses," as Ecclesiastes would have it? Wondering, that is, about who will be the next President of this singular country of all the nation-states that have come and gone over the past many thousands of years? Is it self-importance to think it matters? 

Which Emperor of Rome had the Coliseum built (I guess it would be easier to say: 'built the Coliseum' as Herr Drumpf thinks of HIS wall)? I think it was Hadrian ... maybe it was another Caesar ... but one of them had it built to celebrate the sacking of Jerusalem. I suppose it does still stand:

Might not be the best place to hold Herr Drumpf's inauguration as King of the Empire. And when buying tickets for the inside? Well, don't buy First Base Bleacher tickets from a scalper! The Skating Rink inside? Well the floor is still not quite done! Remember ... with Donnie, y'need more than a contract to be certain you'll get yer money's worth. With some people, it's kinda like double vision ... one image focused on the Golden Hue of it all and the other on yer wallet.

Err ... You may notice that the Rangers don't play the Winter Classic in Central Park.

Nine weeks from tonight and we'll know whether America, the Land of the Free and the Brave, has taken up with Flim-Flam Man from Queens who once owned the Biggest Gambling Palace (dedicated to the sacking of his investors) or  Flawed Femme who is blamed for losing four American Hero lives in the midst of a World Conflagration that has now raged on for some 15 years and cost well over 1,000,000 lives?

Gawd! Does she really hug a Black Guy? or worse? a half-Black guy/mixed race guy who musta cheated his way into being the Law Review Editor at Hah-vard? 

"Hey, I'm jest sayin' ... Prove otherwise ... Some say ... well, you know."

Hey you Dumb Dummies! You want four more years of Obama? 
Four more years of some reflective guy with two kids growing up kinda engaged 
and with a wife whose naked body her husband won't let any of us see? 
How do we even know she has a naked body? Any of you see it? 
I mean some folk are saying that Michelle has no naked body. 

I bring you the real stuff. I'm gonna Make the White House Great, Again. 
Just like the Taj and the Risque Garden. 
There's a New World Coming! Hey, Guys. 
How, otherwise, I'm gonna get  that short little President of Mexico to pay for the wall 
if he don't get to see Flashy Flotus brandishing her pistole and aiming at the Bad Guys. 
Jest lemme do my job. Gee.  Y'really think Poco's gonna pay for my wall 
when all he gets is "some toned kinda arm." Y'all a bunch'a clown 
if y'think real mean are gonna deal over some overdressed without il pistole!

Lemme do my job. 

Good grief, Charlie Brown!

Nine weeks from today, those who haven't early-voted choose ... 

Dear Lord in Heaven, please inform the hearts of all your followers 
to consider that  the President of the United States should be a smart person, 
one with dignity, one who maintains a sense of decency and who is capable 
of empathizing with others! 
May s/he be one who doesn't offend and 
who eschews the gratuitous belittling of others
(as I betimes do in this blog). 

(hey, I'm not running)


  1. I expect he’ll try to have as many of the festivities held at Trump properties so the inveterate shameless scammeister can make some money.
    Trump Living Large On Donors’ Dime
    The GOP nominee’s campaign is spending lavishly on Trump businesses instead of cheaper alternatives.

    RNC Donor Money Meant A Windfall For Trump Businesses

    Amazing how this supposed to be multi-billionaire managed to wring out a meager few million using his own properties when other far less expensive alternatives were available.


  2. Wouldn't want a President who didn't think about his own health!

    1. His own “health” didn’t you mean “wealth?"

  3. Did this not go through…
    see http://halbrown.org
    Good Digby article.

  4. Went to Eastern European wedding last night ... For 4 hours, the election seemed distant ... the dancing from a different World .... Suspect many folk there supported DJT ... Alas ...
