Thursday, September 8, 2016

T minus 61 ... The Dec-a-Logue

(Now, A Word from the NRA and Charleton Heston)

for I needn't tell my religious brethren about the centrality of the Ten Commandments ...
You shall not add to them or detract from them ... (Deut)

   I. I am the Donald your Donald, who brought Glitz to NYC and Irreality to your Television.
                You shall put no candidates before me.
            You shall not make for yourself any image in the form of anything in heaven above or       on the earth below or in the waters below that breaks your non-disclosure statement or non-competition agreements with the Donald ... or I and I, alone, shall sue yer butt. 
                 II.  You shall not vote for them or listen to them; for I, the Donald, am a jealous Donald, counterpunching the wives and children for the sin of the husbands and fathers who campaigned against me to the third and fourth generation of those who did,  but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments, including some Mexicans, a plurality of Muslims, Soldiers who weren't captured and all women who lay beneath me.
                III.  You shall not misuse the Brand of the Donald, for the Donald will not hold anyone guiltless who uses his name in vain.
              IV. Remember my Wall by keeping it holy.  On other walls you shall graffiti and do all your work, but my wall is a gift from the Mexicans and you shall keep it holy. On it you shall work, you, your son and daughter,  your male and female servant, your animals, but no foreigner shall reside in your towns.  For the Donald  made Towers in the heavens and in Atlantic City ... the sea, and all that is in them come to rest before the Donald. Therefore the Lord blessed all his words and made them holy.
               V. Mine Children shall bow to their father and keep track of who their mother is, so that they may live long in the land the Donald gives  them or the land he takes away from others to put up a parking lot.
              VI. If the Donald shall murder on 5th Avenue, no one will abandon him. For he is the Donald.
                  VII. You shall not commit adultery but moi? I am the Donald! 
                  VIII. You shall not steal money from your investors but moi? I am the Donald!
                  IX. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor but moi? I am the Donald!
                X. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor ... but moi? I am the Donald!

Are we not, all of us, in deep trouble 
when our religious brothers and sisters 
our moral compasses and our guides
are attracted 
to Bad-Little-Rich-Boys who Would Be King!

1 comment:

  1. Suggested revision: VII. You shall not commit adultery but moi? I am the Donald!
    Exception: Married women will be honored in my House if they cheat on their husbands with me.
