Tuesday, September 6, 2016

T Minus 62 and "Hills Don't Look Presidential" ... shame!

Look at my Gravitas ... 
Look at that steady stare. 
Honest! Forthright! Empty!

imaging and branding ... 
technicolor trump!

Ole Donnie Boy says: "
Notice how Hillary doesn't look Presidential
... A Frau needs some color, like me, jah!"

 der Alte Drumph says: "Frau Hills? She got no gravitas.
Maybe a swastika and pile of greenbacks helps?"

 DJT says it all: "Crooked Hillary? She's a fly-by-night!
Me? I bankrupt mein companies ... light of day."

 Drumphmann vuz heard saying: 
"And she has no ideas ... no policy.
Me, I'm de only one who can do it!"

Thus spake the Donald: "My health? 
Thoroughly transparent but that Hillary is 
LOWWWW-ENERGY ... The Deflated Mouse.
My Doc says it's the Kentucky Fried Chicken
that does it! Rge Kentucky Diet!"

My Donnie Boy, the Polls, the Polls are calling: 
"You're fired, Boobie!"
 Bugga, bugga, bugga, bugga! 
Donnie Boy, You-Be Mschugga!

Ve're Coming to Take You Away ... Ha-ha-Ho-ho!

And Just By the Way: 
Donnie-say ... Isn't she Missing Something?

And, to close, there is the issue, too, of First Partner FPOTUS? 
Maybe another four for Obama?

Is there more, yet, to be exposed?

Is the rumor true that FLOTUS
has no naked body -- all arms, they say?

Bernie: Sen. Clinton ... The American Public has heard 
enough of your emails ... and ... seen enough of you-know-who, too!

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